Finding Financial Support for Law School: Scholarships to Apply to in July 2024

As several scholarship opportunities have come close to their deadline, it can be quite overwhelming for those who seek financial assistance. Although some have reached the end of their scholarship deadlines, there are plenty of other scholarship opportunities that are especially specific to LGBTQ+, BIPOC and first-generation students that are still available to apply for! Here at Barrier Breakers®, Inc., we aim to provide resources and services to help students on their journey to law school including finding financial support to lessen the burden of financial insecurity. 

Many organizations offer scholarship opportunities to help future and current law students to pay for law school. The more you take advantage of these opportunities, the more likely you are able to receive money. With this in mind, we have collected a list of scholarships, fellowships, and pipeline programs that supply financial aid in July 2024! 

  1. The 7Sage 7K Law School Scholarship:

    The 7Sage scholarship targets specifically towards aspiring law students who are determined to make a difference in creating a more just future for the society. In hopes to increase diversity at law schools, half of the awards they are providing are awarded to those of diverse backgrounds that are especially underrepresented in law. This scholarship is open to anyone who applies to American JD programs throughout the next three years. The winner will receive $7,000 along with a pro bono 12-month subscription to 7Sage’s LSAT prep course, and a pro bono Admissions Consulting Plus package. Additionally, the runner up recipient will be awarded $1,000 with the same prep course subscription and package to assist with their cost of legal education. The application process requires several questions and answers including your background, financial status, as well as your goals and plans for the future. The deadline for this scholarship is July 1 2024.

  2. Prism Foundation: George Choy Memorial Gay Asian Pacific Alliance Scholarship:

    The Prism Foundation offers scholarships to students of a variety of identities ranging from different ages, backgrounds, gender and sexual orientation. Their goal is to empower students of different aspirations including those in law who are making a positive impact in API and LGBTQIA+ communities by providing them with financial rewards to further their education. Minimum requirements include being in an accredited post secondary school in the upcoming academic year as well as having strong involvement with the API and or LGBTQIA+ communities. Applicants must answer short response questions and complete an essay prompt for this scholarship by July 12, 2024.

  3. The Dominguez Firm Legal Scholarship Award:

    The Dominguez Firm, LLP is passionate about giving back to the community by ensuring a bright future for educating students by supporting them with funds on their journey to academic success. The Legal Scholarship Award is given to a student who is enrolled in law school currently with requirements of having a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and demonstrates engagement in the community. In order to apply, you must submit a 500-700 word essay or a 1-2 minute video of why you chose to attend law school. The submission deadline is July 31, 2024.

  4. Survivors Speak: Moving Forward Through Hardship Scholarship:

    Groth & Associates offers an opportunity in financial support for undergraduate and graduate students of not only aspiring law students but of any outstanding student in any field of study. The scholarship is a chance for students to talk about the obstacles and challenges they faced and overcame through a 30-60 second video. The applicant is also required to be at least 18 years old, include a copy of unofficial transcript, proof of enrollment in an accredited secondary institution, and must have a 3.0 GPA or higher. This scholarship application deadline is July 15, 2024.

  5. The TMLG Diversity Scholarship:

    Terrell Marshall Group is determined to promote diversity and equality to dismantle institutional racism in society today by practicing anti-racism and inclusion in the workplace. Thus, they also developed a scholarship to students of color who are working to involve themself in the field of law in Washington State. They offer two $2,500 scholarships for law school students, two $1,000 scholarships for paralegal or legal assistant students, and two $500 scholarships to legal secretarial students that are Washington residents attending an accredited law school in the United States. By July 20 2024, the applicant must send in a cover letter and a 250 word or fewer personal statement to the Terrell Marshall Diversity & Inclusion Committee at

  6. The Law Office of John Dalton Scholarship for 2024:

    To promote diversity in the legal field, the Law Office of John Dalton will award $1000 to a law school student of Black/African American, Hispanic, Native North American, and Pacific Islander background. The application requires a 300-500 word essay answering the prompt on why they decided to become a lawyer and how they could use their skills to bring justice to the community. The essay is due online on July 1, 2024 and the winner will be selected through email on July 15th, 2024.

  7. Cole Schotz Diversity Scholarship:

    Specific to second year, full time law students starting Fall 2024, Cole Schotz P.C. is holding a scholarship award of $10,000 to award to a student of diverse background in commitment to advancing diversity in legal professions. Eligibility for the scholarship is a cumulative GPA of 2.8, must be a permanent resident in the United states attending an ABA accredited law school in Delaware, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, New York or Texas. (Where Cole Schotz’s offices are located). The applicant must provide a 750 word personal statement answering questions on their choice of law path and how their background as well as life experiences would improve diversity in the field of law. Applications are due by July 1, 2024 and to be sent through mail or via email

We hope you find this list of scholarship opportunities helpful in your navigation to success in law school! Applying and pursuing these opportunities can benefit yourself when it comes to financial obstacles. 

Applying for law school can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether that is through finding scholarships, financial resources or other law school resources, no matter where you are in the process, we are here to help! Through our services such as personalized one-on-one counseling,  Essay Editing Support, our free Essential Guide to Applying to Law School, or our Application Boot Camps, there is definitely something we can do for you to help make this process a little bit easier. We also offer discounts to first-generation, BIPOC, and other marginalized students!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at!


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